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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by jon

  1. since i still use v8.5 regularly, i've grown accustomed to saving models, then re-importing them when they misbehave.


    this cleans out a few issues that build up in the file, and may also help in your case.


    good luck!


  2. i don't ever think about using creases to my advantage, but the best modelers do... so you're on the right track!


    i never noticed any big increase in render times due to hidden geometry, but i'm sure it has some kind of impact -- most likely minimal -- on the modeling and chor windows. you're really only talking about most of the arms in this case, so i'd say if your processor is over a gig, it's not an issue.


    you can smartskin both arms and coat... as long as they're both associated to the same bones. some folks have been known to build seperate rigs for their clothes, and traslate them to the character. i'm not that organized. ' ' )



  3. she's looking better and better!


    i do notice a few triangles in her nose and midline (top of shirt collar, just under her ribcage).


    three point patches have a tendency to cause creases, so i'd scrutinize those areas, and remodel them if any weird artifacts appear.



  4. i'd recommend that you look at a few other face tutes. not to copy, but to see how others have approached the problem.


    for example: most folks start from the eyes and mouth, and then extrude the loops out.


    after four years, i'm still trying to smooth out my faces... it's all about practice.



  5. hello,


    just a general query to see if anyone's already made -- or even started work on -- a metro car like the ones in use in washington dc. in particular, i'm after the ones with the new red white and blue interiors (how patriotic!), not the funky orange ones.


    if not, i'll be making a fairly detailed one over the next few months, as well as a generic underground metro station. when i'm done i'll donate it for future abuse. ' ' )





  6. i think my mind was made up before i saw the movies, but i didn't change my opinion afterwards: i prefer the lineless shot.


    cartoons like samurai jack have helped people become more accustomed to toons without lines, so it's not completely alien.


    they do help viewers take in the scene more quickly -- by highlighting objects -- but your shading helps that too.


    the argument against would be added noise, which would be more of a factor in a busier, more crowded shot... which this isn't. ' ' )


    with readability accounted for, it pretty much comes down to just style.



  7. great anime look, and conservative splinage!


    one warning: those three point patches and dead-end splines near the mouth might cause you some trouble when you animate. try to build your splines as closed loops wherever you can, if you want to keep the surface smooth.


    overall, a stellar first model! let's see more!


  8. i don't think anyone purchased the animation: master application to chat with people. ' ' ) i get distracted easily, and that community window got in the way more than it helped.


    community as a concept is critical, but why devote resources to something that isn't your core featureset, and that many other groups have already done better?


    it seems like everyone either wants it removed or significantly enhanced.

    i'd rather have the a:m team devoted to helping us make pretty pictures, and not coding a super-dooper chat client from scratch.


    if you were looking for a way to keep the community, i'd say get/buy a web-chat environment and attach it to the forum. aren't there some web/gui interfaces for irc?


    um.... a:m rocks! ' ' )



  9. i like the character designs overall.... way over the top! ' ' )


    my suggestion for mr. bomb would be to square his shoulders a little more... they seem soft. but that's based on the standard hero archtype -- you might be going away from that a bit by design.


    good luck with ms. d's dynamic constraints, but be warned that it might just top her earlier hair behavior for distraction value.



  10. yves,


    your changes to your original model are all significant improvements. you made an already great model just about perfect!


    i'm certainly glad you took a few moments away from quantum spline theory to get some applied work in!



  11. great character, framing, props, etc! instantly readable as a buckler of swashes with a minimum of detail.


    i do have to ask: were you concerned that a thinner neck would make him appear to effeminate?


    regarding toon lines: every year or so i try to add lines to my toon renders, and am never happy with the result. i've compensated with more intracharacter contrast (as previously noted here) and oversaturating the colors.


    i never could let go of smooth gradient shading, but your fellow is doing fine without em!




    best wishes to your dad!

  12. so, a standalone program? seems like an easy buy for me!


    even if it won't work with my venerable 8.5 models, i'll have to switch to v11 once a certain 3rd party plugin gets out of beta.


    would this produce one big decal with uv coords, or multiple decals?



  13. i've always been a fan of the darker dark knight, so overall he looks great to me!


    his head and shoulders seem to be the most defined, but i'd want to see more detail on his abdomen. i.e. a washboard stomach.


    his waist seems a bit wide for my tastes, but you might be going for the tree-trunk look. i don't mean that as a slam, that's just my impression.


    keep up the good work, and lets see more!



  14. if he used public domain footage, or stock audio, we'd all be asking steven who?


    i suppose if i were to boil down my previous rant into one concept, it would be my inherent respect for originality.


    a many people working on a project is original. this is what i meant by collaboration in my previous rant.


    many people working with a common asset on many projects is inherently less original.



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