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Posts posted by BUDDHABUCK

  1. Thanks for the lead.










    Fabrice Fave has a few tuts. These are a bit out of date, but they still can apply to the current version. The landscape tut still applies, he uses the terrain wizard. The grass tut uses the old hair material, but will still give you some idea on what to do.


    Here's the link.

  2. Thanks for the info. I was more interested in the making of mesh backgrounds and ground planes as well as environments.













    Does anyone know of a good set and background tutorial?

    Some help would be great.



    I don't think that there is one... wait, one of the first tuts in the TAOA books (and videos) shows you how to drag a stage into the cho and characters and they do the CanCan. A memory from 2001 when I first started. I mean basically you just drag models (or images) into the chor and arrange them. I'm not sure what else there is to it outside of how to properly stage, block and balance. There's a good book on that... lets see.. Digital Cinematography & Directing (Paperback) by Dan Ablan:




    There are many books... I found this one to be good.


    I hope this helps,


  3. Just around the corner? It's Wednesday.

    Great stuff Nancy.

    Loves them all.













    why not post a few old items related to halloween. :o ..anyone else have any to share ?


    Whadda ya mean just around the corner? I thought it was always Halloween in your brain. Fun stuff as usual John.


    Heres an old 2D one I did preA:M (1998? 99?) when I wasn't as sophisticated, refined, and elegant as I am today:


    Yes it's true. A:M saved me from a bag ladies life of wandering the streets looking for the next Starbucks handout.



  4. How long have you been using Animation Master?

    I admire your drive and ambition to tackle the tough stuff.

    Just don't get discouraged and it will happen.

    Good liuck









    i need some help trying to make people, a fire breathing dragon, a car( one kind of like the warthog from halo), a tank, and some volcanic scenery
  5. The guy is very cute, but maybe a little more roundness to the cheek line. Seems a bit straight.











    Well in the last month my computer crashed and my internet got turned off so I haven't really been able to finish up any of the other stuff I was working on. Here is one I think I'm just about done with. Its late and I haven't copied/flipped/attached it yet but you get the idea. I'm just lookin for crits. Is there anything you see that bugs you or does not look right?




  6. Jeetman is right. Did you check your timelins bar?

    That should do it.









    Hello All,


    I made a simple character consisting of pieces of chalk and a chalkboard eraser. I'm a teacher and I'm using this as a "Bug" intro to a video my class will be doing later this year.




    I created a simple walk cycle 24 frames.

    I made a path and constrained the eraser to it

    Assigned the action.

    Extended the Cycle length to 15 seconds


    The character walks ok, but it will glide for about two frames at the end of the cycle, and return to his walk cycle and glide at the end again. I did set the stride length, but I must be missing something. It's bugging me because when the character walks, you can see there is just something not right, because the glide is very slight.


    Any ideas anyone?



  7. LOOKS GOOD TO ME. Maybe some greens would add to it.








    First, where are these posted? I must be overlooking them, as the only reason I started playing with this was because I saw other peoples WIPs.. so I'm assumeing there is an image contest with a theme of Toys.. So, what easier way to get involved then with the most primative (pun intended) toy I could think of..



    Edit: Yeah.. I need to make the rings fatter..

  8. Still have to have one more surgury this winter, but everything so far seems to be working out.

    I'm still a little slow at some things, but hey, aren't we all.

    Nice to be back, I'll see what kind of animating talents are still rattleing around up there.

    Talk to you soon.









    I thought I recently saw a post from you.


    Welcome back!!! :)

  9. Still have to have one more surgury this winter, but everything so far seems to be working out.

    I'm still a little slow at some things, but hey, aren't we all.

    Nice to be back, I'll see what kind of animating talents are still rattleing around up there.

    Talk to you soon.





    Welcome back! Does everything work fine again up there? ;)
  10. SCOTT,










    Well I finally got something suitable to show.


    Name: Scott Bowers


    Exercise Completed: Exercise #6



    Date Completed: 10-14-07


    Instructor: The A:M Community


    Remarks/Suggestions for Improvement: Well I finally got a constraint setup to work for me. I placed Kin and orient constraints on handbones and just used kinmatics on the forarms. That helped things behave the way I wanted at least. I may add to the end a bit more.....maybe rabbit opening the door and snickering from the other side. But for now ill call it done. I want to get on to modeling ;P


    Thx for the suggestion Dhar.....you pointed me to look at handbone.



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